Not Afraid of Life – Bristol
She is as polarizing and nearly as popular as her mom, and now millions of fans of Bristol Palin, daughter of former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, will hear what life is really like for this twenty year old single mother of a two year old boy. For the first time, Bristol shares the intimate behind the scenes drama in her life, from growing up in Alaska to coming of age when her mother begins to rise in the political landscape, from dealing with a teen pregnancy in the spotlight of the Republican National Convention to coping as a single mother when her relationship with her baby’s father crumbles publicly, not once, but twice. The tabloids have had a heyday with Bristol and yet she’s never spoken at length to the press about any of these high profile events, including how she maintained her composure when she faced criticism and even threats of physical violence as a contestant and finalist on Dancing with the Stars. An advocate for young girls everywhere Bristol will delve into all of these topics and more. From body image to the Tea Party, how does one very young woman under the glare of an often nasty media spotlight handle the pressure without losing her mind, her faith, and her friends?