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Nutrition is at the heart of losing weight and good health. In fact 80% of weight loss has to do with eating healthy with the other 20% about exercise. One common question is “Can I lose weight without exercising?” And the answer is yes, but exercising enables you to burn more calories making weight loss easier now and weight maintenance easier in the future by building muscle. Good nutrition starts with three areas:• What you eat• How much you eat• When you eat.Most of your food should come from sources that are low in calories such as vegetables and fresh fruits. We talk about good choices in this report. Even though you are making healthy choices, it is possible to still overeat. Portion control is an important part second leg of this three-legged stool and can be as simple as choosing a smaller plate. The last leg of course is when you eat. Eating 3 hours before bedtime is not good if you are trying to lose weight. However eating breakfast after exercising in the morning is a great way to jump start your metabolism for the day. Now that you know a little bit about nutrition, let’s delve deeper if you would like to know more. Enjoy the read!