15 Based on a True Story_ A Memoir – Norm MacDonald.epub

Faye Whitefield Carlton is determined to tell the story about a young girl’s courage and will to survive her life’s dilemmas in the Caribbean Bay Islands. Even though the girl was abandoned by her father, sent away from her island home, left behind to live among strangers, suffered distress, and isolated on a deserted island, she was determined to come out the winner – for this little girl was no weakling. One might even call her a type of Cinderella or Pocahontas of her time. Even her methods for acquiring food make her a daredevil! But none of these hardships will stop Faye from reliving the truth of the story, for as far as anyone would know and if the truth be told, it might have happened to Faye herself. The good, bad, and ugly that came to the young girl’s life and what it took for her just to get a fresh drink of water will leave you spellbound. What happened and how she made it through two major hurricanes will leave you screaming for more of her story. In this book, the account of what happened the day little Faye’s mother was born and stolen from her mother paves the way for the story to unfold of the young girl’s life as it all began in the Caribbean Bay Islands.


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